
Welcome to the series page! I love creating posts that are related to each other, it gives me a lot of inspiration. I’ve started a few series now (okay, only four), granted there aren’t many posts in each of them but I’m working on it! You can find explanations of my series below, along with links to the related posts. Thanks so much for the support while I keep improving my blog!

Research 101

My goal behind Research 101 is to explain some common research techniques to those outside of research. My hope is that this will help people outside of scientist gain a better understanding of what happens behind the scenes and all the work that goes into those discoveries that may make it into popular news publications and media outlets. There can be some distrust in science (vaccines, GMOs, animal models, etc.), but I think that distrust stems from misunderstandings between those that carry out the research and those that just read about it. Education is the best defense against this mistrust, so I’m trying to increase the transparency and accessibility of research.


tiny elephant next to pusheen next to mouse toy


I think this series is pretty self-explanatory. My field of expertise is cancer research, so I wanted to start a series where I could showcase my strongest area. I also want to clear up some of the mystery behind cancer, cancer research, cancer treatments, etc. Since cancer has affected pretty much everyone in the world in someway, education on this topic can help put people at ease and provide them with solid background knowledge about a disease they will likely encounter at some point.


Social Scientists

This series is still very vague in my mind, I’m not sure where it will take me. I plan to write some posts about being a scientist on social media, how we can use science to support others in common issues (like body positivity, dieting, mental disorders, etc.). The first post in this series is my experiencing being a “sponsored scientist” so-to-speak, where I get to review and talk about products from one of my favorite biotech companies, Zymo Research. I’m excited to see where this particular series takes me!


Paper towel covering lab equipment with ghost faces


This is just a fun little series I started on a whim for Halloween 2018. I created special Halloween content for my Instagram and it led to some inspiration for my blog. These posts are a bit shorter, less curated, and less refined than my other posts, but I thought it was a really fun thing to do and allowed me to stretch my writing skills a bit more. Perhaps I’ll continue Blogoween in 2019!
