• CRUK obesity campaign, designed like a cigarette carton
    Cancer,  Controversial Topics

    Cancer and Obesity

    Disclaimer: I support the body positive community, as in I donโ€™t think people should be made to feel bad about how they look or be treated poorly based on their size or appearance (why canโ€™t we all be nice to…

  • vaccines cause adults tank top
    Controversial Topics

    My Vaccine Rant

    Okay, here it is. I wasnโ€™t going to write a post on this because honestly, dealing with people opposed to vaccinations is an absolute nightmare. If you want a good example, you can check out this Instagram post of mine…

  • honeycrisp apple
    Controversial Topics

    Genetically Modified Organisms

    The dreaded GMOs. *cue dramatic music* How many of you knew that GMO stood for Genetically Modified Organism? Iโ€™d be willing to bet at least a couple didnโ€™t know. Why is this? There is a widespread hatred and distrust of…